Delivery & payment conditions

Delivery and shipping costs

Within Germany, we charge a flat-rate shipping fee of 12.50 EUR. For deliveries to other European countries, we charge a flat shipping fee of 30.00 EUR. For deliveries to Switzerland we charge a flat rate of 35.00 EUR. In the case of cross-border deliveries, further taxes (e.g. in the case of an intra-Community acquisition) and/or duties (e.g. customs duties) may be payable by you in individual cases, but not to the seller, but to the customs or tax authorities responsible there. The above provisions only apply to orders from our shop. For all orders on request, the shipping costs will be charged separately.


We ask our customers from the UK and the USA to order by email. For questions about ordering and shipping outside the EU, please contact us, we will be happy to advise you.

Freight costs

If the goods have to be sent by freight forwarder due to their sensitivity or weight, we will charge you the shipping costs based on the costs involved. If it seems sensible for a speedy processing, we make partial deliveries. This applies in particular if delivery times for different products differ greatly from one another and would therefore significantly delay delivery. Partial deliveries are only made if this is reasonable for the customer.

Transport damage

Whether it is material or manufacturing defects or transport damage: please complain about all defects immediately. The freight carrier must confirm visible transport damage on the freight documents. Please inform us of transport damage within 5 days. Failure to comply with this request has no consequences in relation to your legal and contractual rights, in particular cancellation and warranty rights.


Payment options for orders from our shop

You pay the invoice amount in advance to our account at Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw:


Faisst GmbH
Account number: 78 119 77
Bank code: 666 500 85
IBAN: DE28 6665 0085 0007 8119 77

The goods will be delivered after payment has been received.


By Paypal:
You need a Paypal account.


Our general terms and conditions for deliveries and services apply:

General terms and conditions

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