Aluminium cases for door and window construction

Door and window construction is characterised in particular by the many individual parts that form a large whole. Our case solutions not only make it easier to transport all parts, but also provide the necessary protection.

Aluminium cases have proven to be particularly suitable for transport. We are your contact when it comes to transport solutions for door and window construction. Our service team will be happy to advise you.

Cases for door and window construction - special cases for a large number of sensitive individual parts

We have developed high-quality aluminium cases that provide space for all parts and also meet the high requirements for transporting sensitive products. In addition to high transport safety, the aluminium cases from Faisst also offer a stylish design. All accessories are optimally presented and leave a lasting impression.

We are happy to advise you

Faisst is your expert for special cases for transport and simultaneous presentation. We offer a wide range of case solutions - including many designs that are especially suitable for door and window construction. In addition, we also offer customised products to optimally protect and present your products. Whether it's small or large elements from door and window construction - we will find the optimum case solution for you. Are you thinking about printing your company logo on the surface of the case? Talk to us, we will be happy to advise you!


Ralph E.

After developing several prototypes in different formats, we commissioned Faisst to produce a series of 300 cases. The result is something to be proud of: A high-quality, modern case with many extras, such as a particularly wide case flap with two closing buttons, a shortened slide-in compartment for a tablet, specially manufactured hinges for silent opening and transport and a logo imprint sealed with protective lacquer on two sides. When it comes to cases, we always recommend faisst.

Sascha M.

Wow, the delivery boxes arrived just 3 days after ordering - keep up the good work! I can only recommend Faisst as a case manufacturer. The cases look great and have a great, appealing design, just not run-of-the-mill cases. I also have to say that we received really great advice and thanks to the consultation we ended up with a different, but better, solution than originally envisaged.

Dirk G.

Finally a manufacturer whose cases don't look like anything else on the market! Big praise also to the sales team for the intensive advice!

Lotte D.

The new sample cases look really fantastic - our sales team is delighted and very much looking forward to using the cases for the first time.

Alu Solid | Tür- und Fensterbau
Alu Solid | Door and window construction
Alu Solid | Tür- und Fensterbau
Alu Solid | Door and window construction

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