Aluminium cases

Aluminium cases are used in all areas of industry and retail.  Whether for the sales-promoting presentation or the safe transport of products, the aluminium cases from Faisst fulfil both aspects thanks to their attractive appearance and robust design. Safety during transport is guaranteed with the cases made of aluminium or weight-saving lightweight panels thanks to resistant surfaces and stable aluminium profiles. Visual aspects such as logo printing on the case lid, a clear arrangement of the products in the aluminium case and additional storage space for information material are important aspects of the presentation. With the choice of colours, surfaces and equipment accessories, each aluminium case can be adapted to individual requirements. Integrated castors, safety locks and combination locks, ergonomic handles or add-on trolleys offer additional comfort and safety when handling the cases.

You will currently find five aluminium case models in the Faisst product portfolio: Alu Design, Alu Light, Alu Robust, Alu Solid and Alu Framecase Plus. Each case series is characterised by different arguments and has its own specific advantages.


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